• Sama Nama Program

    • Live a new experience with Nama!

      If you’re looking for a unique experience to develop yourself and the society around you, “Sama Nama” is definitely your perfect picking.

      We offer you mentorship-based workshops, activities, lectures and more in an intensive short program that guarantees to inspire you towards personal and professional greatness.

      The program focuses on leadership, creativity, public speaking, entrepreneurship, innovation and much more!


      50/50: The program is divided into two periods; the first period is held in Qatar, the 2nd period takes place abroad.

      Mentorship: being mentored by professionals in different fields and having a close interaction with them.

      Networking: Meeting likeminded people who have great ambitions and aspirations.

      Community Member: Upon the completion of the program you become a member of a large supportive flourishing community “Sama Nama”

      Apply nowand explore your potential

      Details and Requirements

      Age Group: 18-35

      Duration: 2 weeks of sessions and activities in Qatar and abroad, July – August, and 2 months for the final project,September – October 2018.

      Fees: none

      For more information, please call 40363023 - 40363079, or e-mail us on: samanama.org.qa